Becoming is superior to being.
Without the knowing of divinity by man can deity survive?
Wole Soyinka
We, the Gods, wish to learn from you humans in your quest for truth.
Mazisi Kunene
Let Us make the human being in our own image and likeness.
The Torah
The notion that divinity is outside the human being makes people feel free to brutalise the human person/being.
Bessie Head
Existence precedes essence.
Shva’s trident symbolises humankind as the divinity, the temple and the worshipper.
Daniel Odier
God has no experience of material conditions and so She needs human experience, which is unique in combining abstract possibility and the concreteness of material conditions. This experience is distilled and assimilated by God and contributes to Her own development. Dion Fortune
Human experience, integrating the abstract and the concrete, is distilled and assimilated by God, who has no experience of material conditions, and contributes to her development.
The distillation of human experience, which represents the interaction of the abstractions represented by possibilities with the concrete realities of actual experience in a material framework, is assimilated by God and contributes to the development of God.
Man makes God in Yoruba thought.
Man is made by God in Yoruba thought. Karen Barber
It is through human actions that the divine sparks that fell to earth when the vessels enclosing the spheres were shattered under the force of divine light at creation are liberated from their material casings and enabled to rise to their divine sphere, thereby facilitating the creation of cosmic unity.
Isaac Luria